We See You...

Thriving positively with HIV

We are here to support your transition to adulthood in all spheres because you are just getting started!

Thriving Positively with Sickle Cell Anaemia

Together, we will find a way to make it fun, inclusive and wholesome!

Thriving positively with Diabetes

There is more than just needles and starch portions when we work together to make it easier!

Thriving Positively as a Neurodivergent

Celebrating your uniqueness is first step to defining what your path should look like!

Thriving positively with Heart Disease

With every heartbeat, we are walking beside you, to keep the rhythm through this journey!

What's trending?

We Are Committed To Ensuring a Safe Transition For all Children Through Adolescence to Adulthood!

About Us

The Thriving Teens Foundation seeks to empower adolescents and young people locally in Kenya and regionally in Africa, through Advocacy, Mentorship, and Research. Our main focus is on Adolescent Health, Rights, Education, and Empowerment.

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